~sothermal crystallizat~on ~n bulk has be.en co~pared dilatometrically with linear polyethylene samples which ~ave been molded In different ways, IncludIng melt orientation and sintering of precipitated powders ~rom dIlute solutions. These experiments show significant differences in the crystallization kinetics, which In some cases cannot be removed even by prolonged heating of the melt prior to crystallization. The data have been ~nalyzed by an empiric~l expression in terms of nucleation and growth processes, according to the theoretIcal approach of Avraffil. The results suggest that, in general, the melted polyethylene is not in a true ther~?dynamic equ~lib~ium and includes some "quasi-indestructible" clusters, which act as heteroge-neou~ nuclei In the cr.rstall~atIon process. The nature and the amount of these nuclei depend on the molding, meltmg, and mechamcal history of the sample, so that the semicrystalline material may have a wide variety of structure.