Ti 50 Ni 50 shape memory alloy (SMA) which exhibits a strong shape memory effect has been considered as a good candidate for aerospace or medical applications (1-3). The development of joining process is always important in the application of many engineering alloys. Ti 50 Ni 50 SMA can be joined by brazing without melting the base metal in order to keep its shape memory effect as well as mechanical properties (4). Compared with the traditional furnace brazing, infrared brazing is suitable in studying the microstructural evolution of the joint with the advantage of its rapid heating rate as high as 3000°C per minute. Additionally, the brazing cycle does less damage to the base metal during infrared brazing (5,6).The selection of filler metal plays a key role in brazing Ti 50 Ni 50 SMA. The wettability of the molten braze on Ti 50 Ni 50 substrate, the shape memory effect of the brazed joint and the formation of intermetallic phases in the joint should be considered together in choosing the filler metal. It has been reported that replacing Ni in the Ti 50 Ni 50 SMA by Au or Cu to form Ti 50 Ni 50-x Au x or Ti 50 Ni 50-x Cu x alloys can still preserve its shape memory effect (7,8). Based on previous studies, Ti 50 Ni 50 can be infrared brazed using pure Cu as the filler metal, and the Ti(Ni,Cu) phase in the brazed joint exhibits the shape memory behavior even it has alloyed with a huge amount of Cu (4). Since Au and Cu is completely miscible above 410°C, it should be possible to infrared braze Ti 50 Ni 50 SMA using Au-Cu alloys without detrimental effect to its shape memory effect. The melting point of pure Au is 1064.4°C. The Au-20Cu alloy in weight percent has the lowest liquidus temperature of 910°C in the Au-Cu binary alloy system (9). Therefore, these compositions have been chosen as braze alloys in this study. The purpose of this investigation is focused on the microstructural evolution and shape memory behaviour of the infrared brazed Ti 50 Ni 50 joints. The feasibility of infrared brazing Ti 50 Ni 50 alloy using Au and Au-20Cu as the braze alloys is also evaluated.
Experimental procedureTi 50 Ni 50 SMA was prepared by vacuum arc remelting (VAR) of titanium rods (purity: 99.7wt%) and nickel pellets (purity: 99.9wt%). Both titanium rods and nickel pellets were cleaned by 1HF-15HNO 3 -64H 2 O (in ml) and saturated NaOH solution prior to performing VAR. Foils of Au-20Cu in weight percent and pure Au foils (purity : 99.99wt%) were selected as braze alloys, and their thickness was kept at 70 m throughout the experiments.The infrared furnace used in this study was ULVAC SINKO-RIKO RHL-P610C with the maximum heating rate of about 3000°C/min (10). Infrared brazing was performed under the vacuum of 5x10 -5 mbar, and the heating rate was set at 900°C/min. All specimens were preheated at 600°C for 60 sec to equilibrate the actual temperature in the specimen.