The assembly of the highly-loaded target plates of the WENDELSTEIN 7-X (W7-X) divertor requires the fabrication of 890 target elements. The plasma facing material is made of CFC NB31 flat tiles bonded to CuCrZr copper alloy water-cooled heat sink. The elements are designed to remove a stationary heat flux and power up to 10 MW/m 2 and 100 kW, respectively. Before launching the serial fabrication, pre-series activities aimed at qualifying the design, the manufacturing route and the nondestructive examinations. High heat flux tests performed on full-scale pre-series target elements resulted in an improvement of the design of the bond between tiles and heat sink to reduce the stresses during operation. The consequence is the fabrication of additional pre-series target elements to be tested in the high heat flux facility GLADIS. Non-destructive examinations of this bond based on thermography methods are developed to define the acceptance criteria suitable to the serial fabrication.