Quantum chemical studies of trisilylmethane, (SiH3)3CH, (TSM) and tetrasilylmethane, (SiH3)4C, (TTSM)
have been made by the HF, MP2, and B3LYP methods. The silyl groups in each compound are twisted
through 12−20° from the completely staggered configurations, yielding the point groups C
3 (TSM) and T
(TTSM), respectively, in fair agreement with electron diffraction results. Structures have also been calculated
for the higher energy, fully staggered configurations. These exhibit H···H distances between neighboring
silyl groups, which are significantly less than those in the staggered, equilibrium structures calculated for
disilylmethane (DSM). In a survey of QC-based torsional frequencies in molecules containing silyl groups,
TSM, TTSM, and DSM are exceptional in exhibiting marked variations in their calculated in-phase torsional
frequencies according to the computational method employed. In TSM and TTSM, MP2 values are much
larger than B3LYP ones, reflecting similar differences in internal rotation barrier. This may be due to the
longer bond lengths and nonbonded H···H distances yielded by the DFT method. QC-based vibration
frequencies and overall intensities of SiH and CH stretching bands in TSM and TTSM are scaled using
earlier experimental data from related compounds such as DSM. Agreement with the sparse infrared data
currently available for condensed phases is only fair. Electrical properties of the Si−H and C−H bonds are
compared with those of related silyl compounds. Infrared intensities of CH and SiH stretching bands show
the expected behavior due to inductive effects on the charges on the H atoms involved.