Data on the vibrational spectra of noble gas fluorides in the gas phase and in cryogenic and non,aqueous solutions are considered in detail. Based on analysis of the IR spectra of xenon fluorides dissolved in liquid Kr and Xe, it is concluded that the XeF 6 molecule possesses the geometry of a distorted octahedron with C3~ symmetry. The contours of spectral lines of totally symmetric stretching modes in the Raman spectra of noble gas fluorides in nonaqueous solutions are considered; the mechanisms of formation contours of these lines, the dynamic parameters of XeFn (n = 2, 4, 6) and KrF2, and the characteristic times of intramolecular rearrangements in the nonrigid XeF 6 molecule are analyzed_ It is concluded that in the XeF2--HF and XeF6--HF systems, a number of associates and ionic clusters are formed due to the donor--acceptor interaction of the Lewis bases and acids.