beta process ͉ dielectric ͉ hydration ͉ solvent P roteins are dynamic systems that interact strongly with their environment (1). Most texts and publications show proteins in unique conformations and naked, without hydration shell and bulk solvent, while fluctuations are rarely mentioned. The unified model of protein dynamics presented here is a radical departure from this picture. In this model, the protein provides the structure for the biological function, but it is dynamically passive. The fluctuations in the bulk solvent power and control the large-scale motions and shape changes of the protein in a diffusive manner (2-4), whereas the fluctuations in the hydration shell power and control the internal protein motions such as ligand migration (5, 6). The hydration shell consists of Ϸ2 layers of water that surround proteins as shown in Fig. 1 (7-12). Protein functions depend on the degree of hydration, h, defined as the weight ratio of water to protein. Dehydrated proteins do not function. Some proteins begin to work at h Ϸ 0.2 (11) but full function may require h Ͼ 1. The controls exerted by the bulk solvent and the hydration shell are possible because the protein interior is fluid-like (13); the intrinsic viscosity of a protein is small, about like water (14-16). The image of the protein being essentially passive and being slaved to the environment is not an idle speculation. It is based on experiments using myoglobin (Mb) that led to the seminal concepts that underlie the present work: (i) Proteins do not exist in a unique conformation; they can assume a very large number of conformational substates (CS) (17, 18). (ii) The CS can be described by an energy landscape (17). (iii) The landscape is organized in a hierarchy; there are energy valleys within energy valleys within energy valleys (19). The description of the effects of the bulk solvent and the hydration shell is based on these concepts. Because knowledge of the fluctuations in glass-forming liquids and of the energy landscape of proteins is essential for understanding these results, we discuss these topics first.The ␣ and  Processes (20, 21) Glass-forming liquids have two types of equilibrium fluctuations, ␣ and .* One tool to study these fluctuations is dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (21). The sample is placed in a capacitor, a sine-wave voltage U 1 ( ) of frequency is applied, and the resulting current is converted into a voltage U 2 ( ) that characterizes the dielectric spectrum. Our spectra exhibit two prominent peaks that characterize ␣, or primary, and , or secondary, relaxations. The ␣ process describes structural fluctuations. The mechanical Maxwell relation,connects the rate coefficient k ␣ (T) for the ␣ fluctuations to the viscosity (T). Here, G 0 is the infinite-frequency shear modulus that depends only weakly on temperature and on the material.Author contributions: H.F., G.C., J.B., P.W.F., H.J., B.H.M., I.R.S., J.S., and R.D.Y. designed research, performed research, contributed new reagents/analytic tools, analyzed data, and wrote ...