IntroductionAlthough dynamic on a large timescale of motion, some biologically active polyamide nanosystems adopt welldefined 3D structures in a time average manner, called as globular proteins; a given name reflecting to their overall shape. Other proteins called intrinsically unstructured or dynamic (IUP or IDP) are reluctant to present such an easy to characterize structural ensemble, nicknamed as proteins with random structures. Thus, proteins exist in most phases as conformational ensembles presenting lower, while in other environment higher time average deviation from their average 3D folds. The α-amino acid sequence modification of these inherently dynamic polyamide systems can lower, or increase the amplitude and frequency of such internal motion, making the protein fold less or more -mobile‖. The chemical constitution (α) and the stereochemistry (L) of proteogenic amino acid residues are under strict evolutional conservation. Unlike L-Proline, all the remaining 19 common residues in proteins have two adjacent backbone torsional angles, φ and ψ, of high rotational freedom followed by the inflexible ω. The scenario of two flexible followed by a fixed backbone torsional angles per residue determines primarily the folding ability of a proteogenic polypeptide. Cutting of a globular fold seldom results in secondary structural elements (e.g. α-helix, β-turn) of low internal dynamics! Typically the removal of any secondary structural element from its -natural environment‖ results in polypetides of very elevated internal dynamics, often characterized as unstructured subunits. However, bioengineering requires stable toolkits to design epitopes, matching complementary folds, individual foldamers, nano-lego elements etc. of traceable shape and of low internal mobility. Shedding light on folding and stability of secondary structural elements of peptides and proteins could help to design standalone foldamers. They could be composed of β-, α-and α/β-amino acid residues, the latter called chimera. A general expectation of foldamers is to present a single time average 3D-structure of lower internal dynamics over the large timescale of picoseconds to second. These fold optimized biocompatible and nonnatural peptides often have an increased proteolytic and metabolic stability and can fulfill diverse biological functions toward DNA, RNA, ATP, etc. The improved ability of β-peptides and thus β-foldamers to rapidly and spontaneously fold (