Recently, in the concept of contemporary project management, the fundamentals of qalb have not been emphasized as one of the most important elements that a project manager must have. The focus was more on the knowledge of skills, tools, and techniques on how to ensure that projects can be completed on time, the quality and the cost that have been set. If observed carefully, the fundamentals of qalb are also important for all project managers, especially the Muslims. This is because the fundamentals of qalb are the determinants of one's behavior or work. In relation to this issue, this study was conducted to achieve two objectives. The first objective is to identify the fundamentals of qalb that must be applied by Muslim project managers; and second, is to analyze the impact of its application on Muslim project managers. To achieve these two objectives, this study deployed the method of document study and qualitative content analysis method. As a result, the fundamentals of qalb that must be applied by Muslim project managers are faith (iman), knowledge of Islam and control of nafs which are interconnected with one another. In addition, it is also to strengthen the practice of hisbah and tazkiyyah al-Nafs. Hence, the qalb principles that have been applied will create a Muslim project manager who believes in Allah SWT, with integrity, noble character and avoids misconduct.