1 This project was supported by funding from the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) Foundation.
Physiological characteristics of dysphagia following thermal burn injury
AbstractThe study aim was to document the acute physiological characteristics of the swallowing impairment following thermal burn injury. A series of 19 participants admitted to a specialised burn centre with thermal burn injury were identified with suspected aspiration risk by a clinical swallow examination (CSE) conducted by a speech-language pathologist and referred to the study. Once medically stable, each then underwent more detailed assessment using both a CSE and a fiberoptic evaluation of swallowing (FEES). Subsequent to this assessment, FEES confirmed 6 individuals (32%) had no aspiration risk, and were excluded from further analyses. Of the remaining 13, CSE confirmed two had specific oral phase deficits due to orofacial scarring and contractures, and all 13 had generalised oromotor weakness. FEES revealed numerous pharyngeal phase deficits with major finding evident in greater than 50% being: impaired secretion management, laryngotracheal edema, delayed swallow initiation, impaired sensation, inadequate movement of structures within the hypopharynx and larynx, and diffuse pharyngeal residue. Penetration and/or aspiration occurred in 83% (n = 10/12) of thin fluids trials, with a lack of response to the penetration/aspiration noted in 60% (n = 6/10 penetration/aspiration events) of cases. Most events occurred post swallow. Findings support that individuals with dysphagia post thermal burn present with multiple risk factors for aspiration that appear predominantly related to generalised weakness and inefficiency and further impacted by edema and sensory impairments. Generalised oromotor weakness and orofacial contractures (when present) impact oral stage swallow function. This study has identified a range of factors which may be contributing to both oral and pharyngeal stage dysfunction in this clinical population and highlights the 4 importance of using a combination of clinical and instrumental assessment to fully understand the influence of burn injury on oral intake and swallowing.