A new cultivar of Hibiscus 'Red Bohanjae' (Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Bohanjae') was developed after crossing between Hibiscus syriacus 'Andong' (♀) with white flowers and Hibiscus syriacus 'Samchully' (♂) with pink flowers to improve flower quality and growth habit. The Hibiscus breeding program was initiated in 2002, and H. syriacus 'Red Bohanjae' was preliminarily selected as '02-RV-17' in 2003 due to its stable flower quality with rich pink flowers and small tree type. The selected line was further evaluated for growth characteristics, leaf shape, leaf size, flowering characteristics, and tested for distinctness, homogeneity, and stability during [2004][2005][2006][2007]. The characteristics preserved by grafting. 'Red Bohanjae' showed a small growth habit with slightly upright branches. The tree had potential use as a potted plant or bonsai because of its dwarf form. The new cultivar 'Red Bohanjae' had violet-pink color flowers (RHS N78C) with red eye spots, small size (9.2 cm) and spatulate (I-type) petals. Leaves were 4.2 cm long and 2.3 cm wide. After the evaluation of plant characteristics for 3 years (2005)(2006)(2007), it was registered as cultivar 'Red Bohanjae' (4118, plant variety protection rights number) in 2012. 'Red Bohanjae' having violet-pink flowers with red eye and dwarf tree form seems to be suitable for pot or bonsai cultivation in both indoor and outdoor conditions.