Transgenic alfalfa (Medicago safiva) expressing Mn-superoxide dismutase cDNA tended to have reduced injury from water-deficit stress as determined by chlorophyll fluorescence, electrolyte leakage, and regrowth from crowns. A 3-year field trial indicated that yield and survival of transgenic plants were significantly improved, supporting the hypothesis that tolerance of oxidative stress is important in adaptation to field environments.Many of the degenerative reactions associated with severa1 biotic, abiotic, and xenobiotic stresses are mediated by toxic, reactive oxygen intermediates formed from superoxide, such as the hydroxyl radical (Scandalios, 1993; Allen, 1995). These stresses include the herbicide paraquat (Bowler et al., 1991;Herouart et al., 1993), ozone (Van Camp et al., 1994), anoxia (Monk et al., 1989), pathogens (Mehdy, 1994), desiccation (Senaratna et al., 1985a(Senaratna et al., , 1985b, and freezing (Kendall and McKersie, 1989;McKersie et al., 1993). The mechanisms to detoxify oxygen radicals are varied, and the complex interactions among the antioxidants in different subcellular compartments, cells, and tissues are only now being elucidated. SOD is an essential component of these defense mechanisms because it dismutates two superoxide radicals to produce hydrogen peroxide and oxygen (Scandalios, 1993; Allen, 1995). The observation that water deficiency caused the chloroplasts of wheat (Trificum aestivum L.) to reduce oxygen to superoxide because of a drought-impaired electron transport system (Price et al., 1989) prompted us to hypothesize that plants overexpressing SOD might have improved tolerance of water deficit. Previously, an Mn-SOD cDNA from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia was introduced into alfalfa; the primary transformants and their F, transgenic progeny showed increased survival and vigor after exposure to sublethal freezing stress . We now report the results of two further experiments with these transgenic plants, indicating that manipulation of genes associated with oxidative stress tolerance can also improve survival and vigor after exposure to water deficit in controlled environments and over three winters in natural field environments. These preliminary studies indicate that a rigorous analysis of the oxidative stress response will aid in the genetic improvement of environmental stress tolerante in crop plants.