White rust [Albugo candida (Pers. Ex. Lev) Kuntze] is an important oomycetes disease of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss] that causes a drastic reduction in seed yield and quality when the conditions are favorable. A set of 25 Indian mustard genotypes were screened against A. candida Delhi isolate (Ac-Dli) under both controlled and natural epiphytotic conditions. Out of 25, only six genotypes (Pusa Karishma, PDZ-3, Heera, BEC-144, BIO YSR, and Donskaja) were found highly resistant in both environments. To study the inheritance of resistance, four resistant genotypes (BEC-144, BIO YSR, Pusa Karishma, and Donskaja) were crossed with three susceptible genotypes (PM-24, Pusa Vijay, and MSTWR-17-15) in a definite design. The parents, F1, F2, and BC1F1 (F1 backcrossed with susceptible parent) generations were screened under both artificially controlled and natural epiphytotic conditions and the results indicated that the resistance in BIO YSR, BEC-144, and Pusa Karishma is governed by a single dominant gene, but more than one dominant gene is responsible for resistance in Donskaja. A test of an allelism conducted on the F2 population derived by crossing resistant (BEC-144) × resistant (BIO YSR) genotypes indicated that the gene imparting resistance to Ac-Dli isolate in the resistant parents BEC-144 and BIO YSR is the same and they are allelic to each other. Therefore, in broader terms, the information generated in the present study will be useful in Indian mustard breeding programs for the development of durable resistant cultivars.