Dvl is a key protein that transmits the Wnt signal to the canonical -catenin pathway and the noncanonical planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. We studied the roles of Rho-associated kinase (Rho-kinase), which is activated by Dvl in the PCP pathway of mammalian cells. The expression of Dvl-1, Wnt-1, or Wnt-3a activated Rho-kinase in COS cells, and this activation was inhibited by the Rho-binding domain of Rho-kinase. The expression of Dvl-1 in PC12 cells activated Rho and inhibited nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neurite outgrowth. This inhibition was reversed by a Rho-kinase inhibitor but not by a c-Jun N-terminal kinase inhibitor. Dvl-1 also inhibited serum starvation-dependent neurite outgrowth of N1E-115 cells, and expression of the Rho-binding domain of Rho-kinase reversed this inhibitory activity of Dvl-1. Dvl-1 mutants that did not activate Rho-kinase did not inhibit the neurite outgrowth of N1E-115 cells. Furthermore, the purified Wnt-3a protein activated Rho-kinase and inhibited the NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells. Wnt-3a-dependent neurite retraction was also prevented by a Rho-kinase inhibitor and a Dvl-1 mutant that suppresses Wnt-3a-dependent activation of Rho-kinase. These results suggest that Wnt-3a and Dvl regulate neurite formation through Rho-kinase and that PC12 and N1E-115 cells are useful for analyzing the PCP pathway.Wnt proteins constitute a large family of cysteine-rich secreted ligands that control development in organisms ranging from nematode worms to mammals (59). Wnt regulates axis formation, organ development, and cellular proliferation, morphology, motility, and fate (40, 46). Binding of the Wnt ligand to its receptors can stimulate several distinct intracellular signaling pathways, including the canonical -catenin and noncanonical planar cell polarity-convergent extension (PCP-CE) pathways. For the activation of these pathways, the common mediator Dvl, which transmits signals from receptors to different effector molecules, is required.Dvl is a cytoplasmic protein that acts downstream of Frizzled (Fz) and is a key protein for regulation of the Wnt signal (56). Three Dvl genes, Dvl-1, -2, and -3, have been isolated from mammals. Dvl homologs are conserved in Drosophila melanogaster (Dishevelled [Dsh]) and Xenopus laevis (Xenopus dishevelled [Xdsh]). All Dvl and Dsh family members contain three highly conserved domains: a DIX domain, a PDZ domain, and a DEP domain. The expression of Dvl in cells induces the accumulation of -catenin in the canonical pathway and the activation of Rho and Rac in the PCP-CE pathway (7,16,17,29,41,46,49). The DIX and PDZ domains are important for the activation of the canonical -catenin pathway, whereas the DEP domain is essential for the activation of the noncanonical PCP-CE pathway.In the canonical pathway, the protein level of free cytoplasmic -catenin is controlled by the Wnt signal (40,46,59