Pathogens are responsible for millions of diseases, disabilities and deaths every year. Th e ability to control and destroy pathogens is therefore of enormous importance to healthcare, food, drink, water treatment and agriculture, as well as the military. Nanomaterials have potential of wide -ranging industrial, biomedical and electronic applications. Recently, many researchers have been trying to develop nanostructures which can fi nd wide applications for use as Antipathogens. Nanomaterials lay mid way between atomic scale and bulk, having properties different from that of bulk. Biomaterials with nanoscale organizations can be used as controlled-release reservoirs for drug delivery as a promising tool to support cell therapy. Metal-based nanoparticles constitute an eff ective antimicrobial agent against common pathogenic microorganisms. Some nanoparticles such as silver, gold, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are receiving considerable attention as antimicrobials. Diff erent nanosystems control, kill or disable pathogens diff erently.