The effect of intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2]11) on the intracellular aggregation of Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L2 and E in McCoy and HeLa cells is investigated. Loading the cells with the Ca2+ chelator M.APT/AM (1,2-bis-5-methyl-amino-phenoxylethane-N,N,n'-tetra-acetoxymethyl acetate), thereby decreasing the [Ca2+], from 67 to 19 nM, decreased the number of cells with a local aggregation of chlamydiae in a dose-dependent manner. Neither the attachment nor the uptake of elementary bodies (EBs) was, however, affected after depletion of Ca2+ from the cells. There was no significant difference in the level of measured [Ca211i between infected and uninfected cells. Reducing the [Ca2+]i also significantly inhibited chlamydial inclusion formation. Differences in the organization of the actin filament network were observed in response to [Ca2+], depletion. In Ca2+-depleted cells, where few EB aggregates were formed, few local accumulations of F-actin were observed in the cytosol. These results suggest that the aggregation of EBs in eucaryotic cells requires a normal homeostasis of intracellular Ca2+. By affecting F-actin reorganization and putatively certain Ca2+-binding proteins, [Ca2]i1 plays a vital role in the infectious process of chlamydiae.Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular parasites of eucaryotic cells and cause a wide spectrum of human diseases (33). As intracellular parasites, chlamydiae have developed the morphologically distinct infectious elementary body (EB) which is metabolically inert and resistant to the inimical extracellular environment. The noninfectious reticulate body is the metabolically active and replicating form (28). The developmental cycle starts when the EB attaches to and enters the host cell. It remains within an endosome, where it changes to the reticulate body, which divides by binary fission within the endosome. After a number of divisions, the reticulate bodies reorganize into EBs, producing the characteristic inclusion. It is not clear how and why the chlamydial endosome avoids fusion with host cell lysosomes (11). Earlier studies have suggested that multiple Chlamydia trachomatis endosomes fuse at some time after infection (4, 6). These findings were supported by ultrastructural studies (19,41) indicating that fusion occurs very shortly after infection. Ridderhof and Barnes (31) have shown that C. trachomatis-containing phagosomes fuse with each other in a microfilament-dependent process. However, how this fusion is controlled is unclear.The responsiveness of cells to a wide range of stimuli depends upon internal signaling systems such as cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) (22) and intracellular free Ca2+