Recognition must be given to all the laboratory staff at IHE Delft, Fred, Berend, Peter, Lyzette, Ferdi, Frank, Zina. Your always positive collaboration made my going (up and ii downs stairs) easier. Thank you for your trust, support and provisions in this project. Berend Lolkema, without your friendship, prompt solutions, imagination, creativity and your always determination to help, we (my students and I) could not have gone through all our professional ups and downs. A genuine thank you for all our chats. Peter Heerings, E. coli and I could not survive without you at IHE lab. Thank you for your support in the microbiology lab and for your parental caring.I also would like to thank my colleagues from TU Delft, Mona, Bruno for the tailormade training and determination to share your experience with me. A unique appreciation is given to Dr. Danny de Graaff. Your coaching skills in the first year of my PhD were noteworthy in this research project.Carolien Boersma, "A picture is worth a thousand words." (Brisbane, A). Thank you for making that possible in this book.The list of friends and acquaintances on the road is extensive and may be incomplete. There have been many years of seeing people coming and going as passengers, but some stayed on the trip a bit longer. Iosif, my friend, you got off the bus at an earlier station, but thanks to your friendship, I did not feel alone at IHE during lunchtimes; you are a great reliable person. Yuli, I found a friend when I met you. Thank you for the Indonesian lunches we shared and the times we laughed together. Dr. Ahmed, my officemate and adopted brother, thank you for your professional and wholehearted support. Your commitment to research has always been my driver. Mohanad A., I am proud of you; your patience and perseverance are unique. Thank you for the endless chats and good ideas. Ex-office neighbours, Neyler, Alida thanks for the funny talks, advice and friendship. Mohaned Sousi, Muthasen, Taha, Angelica, Mauricio, Juanca, you were part of the journey at different time's life. It was pleasant sharing experiences and social gatherings with some of you guys.To my most authentic friends, Cris, Nela, Clari, an immense thanks for believing in me, your companion, visits the Netherlands and unconditional support were significant factors to accomplish this journey. You are sisters for me! Finally, and most importantly, my sincere appreciations to my family. Arne, thanks for becoming such an exceptional person in my life and being unconditionally supportive during the last years of my journey. Santiago, Federico, my lovely sons. You always made me forget the struggles of a PhD life; with you guys, this journey was an adventure. Thanks for keeping me motivated while doing this and for being such supportive boys. Mami, Papi, Tita, Karol, Leroy, Cali, Sahian, Berny, y todo el resto de la gigantesca familia, muchas gracias por estar ahí siempre, sin importar las condiciones. Su amor a distancia, video llamadas a mitad de la noche y fiestas en mi nombre me hicieron siempre sentir c...