Gold therapy for 6 months was shown to be efficacious in reducing the severity of articular manifestations in 32 (63%) of 51 juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients reviewed retrospectively. Similarly, reductions in the total number of involved joints were seen in 25 (49%) patients. Patients in whom a favorable response to therapy was noted had more severe joint involvement at the start of therapy than did nonresponders. In general, patients who responded experienced considerable improvement. Duration of disease prior to gold therapy initiation and disease onset type were not related to the probability of favorable response. Incidence of adverse side effects was low. Gold has recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in children.Gold salts have been used in the therapeutic management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since 1927 (1,2). Although recent studies appear to be unveiling integral parts of the exact mechanism by which gold produces its antiinflammatory effect (3-1 l), the total picture remains obscure.Despite extensive usage (12), few studies or case reports have appeared in the literature (1 3-20) which describe the efficacy of chrysotherapy in children with