Claudin proteins comprise a recently described family of tight junction proteins that differentially regulate paracellular permeability. Since other tight junction proteins show alterations in distribution or expression in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) we assessed expression of claudins (CL) 2, 3 and 4 in IBD. CL 2 was strongly expressed along the inflamed crypt epithelium, whilst absent or barely detectable in normal colon. In contrast, CL 3 and 4 were present throughout normal colonic epithelium and were reduced or redistributed in the diseased surface epithelium. In a T84-cell culture model of the gut barrier, paracellular permeability decreased with time after plating and correlated with a marked decrease in the expression of CL 2. Addition of IFNc/TNFa led to further decreases in CL 2 and 3, the redistrbution of CL 4 and a marked increase in paracellular permeability. Conversely, IL-13 dramatically increased CL 2, with little effect on CL 3 or 4, but also resulted in increased paracellular permeability. Expression of CL 2 did not correlate with proliferation or junctional reorganisation after calcium ion depletion. Re-expression of CL 2 in response to IL-13 was inhibited by phophatidylinositol 3 kinase inhibitor, LY294002, which also restored the ion permeability to previous levels. CL 2 expression could be stimulated in the absence of IL-13 by activation of phospho-Akt in the phophatidylinositol 3 kinase pathway. These results suggest that INFc/TNFa and IL-13 have differential effects on CL 2, 3 and 4 in tight junctions, which may lead to increased permeability via different mechanisms.