Summarvprotracted diarrhoea of undetermined cause) aged 6 months to 7Using an in vivo closed-loop technique in rat jejunum, we have confirmed previous in vitro studies that cystic fibrosis (CF) serum inhibits water, sodium, and glucose absorption and transmural potential difference. CF heterozygote serum or sera from children with diarrhoeal disorders not associated with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency had no effect on transport. Sera from patients with Shwachman's syndrome and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency had identical effects to CF serum. These results challenge the specificity of the CF "factor."
PANCREATIC-RELATED FACTORSThe pancreas may modulate small intestinal absorption of water, electrolytes, and glucose via an humoral pathway. In exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, there could. be a deficiency of a normal serum factor which stimulates absorption or, alternatively, a factor which inhibits absorption could be present.