Edited by Norma AllewellThe KRAS GTPase plays a critical role in the control of cellular growth. The activity of KRAS is regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), and also post-translational modification. Lysine 104 in KRAS can be modified by ubiquitylation and acetylation, but the role of this residue in intrinsic KRAS function has not been well characterized. We find that lysine 104 is important for GEF recognition, because mutations at this position impaired GEF-mediated nucleotide exchange. Because the KRAS K104Q mutant has recently been employed as an acetylation mimetic, we conducted a series of studies to evaluate its in vitro and cellbased properties. Herein, we found that KRAS K104Q exhibited defects in both GEF-mediated exchange and GAP-mediated GTP hydrolysis, consistent with NMR-detected structural perturbations in localized regions of KRAS important for recognition of these regulatory proteins. Despite the partial defect in both GEF and GAP regulation, KRAS K104Q did not alter steady-state GTP-bound levels or the ability of the oncogenic KRAS G12V mutant to cause morphologic transformation of NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and of WT KRAS to rescue the growth defect of mouse embryonic fibroblasts deficient in all Ras genes. We conclude that the KRAS K104Q mutant retains both WT and mutant KRAS function, probably due to offsetting defects in recognition of factors that up-regulate (GEF) and down-regulate (GAP) RAS activity.RAS proteins function as molecular switches that cycle between active GTP-and inactive GDP-bound states to regulate signal transduction pathways that modulate cellular growth control. In the unstimulated cell, RAS proteins are populated in their inactive GDP-bound state. However, in response to growth-stimulatory signals, guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) 2 co-localize and up-regulate RAS by facilitating exchange of GDP for GTP. Inactivation of RAS is achieved through GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that bind to GTPbound RAS and promote GTP hydrolysis (1, 2). Several point mutations in RAS have been identified that dysregulate RAS nucleotide exchange or hydrolysis, often leading to hyperactivation and promoting tumorigenesis. The most common RAS mutations identified in cancer occur at residues 12, 13, and 61 and render RAS GAP defective, thereby populating RAS in its active GTP-bound state (3). Constitutive hyperactivation of RAS promotes chronic stimulation of effector-mediated downstream pathways, causing deregulated growth and tumorigenic growth transformation.RAS contains two dynamic regions termed switch I (SWI; residues 30 -37) and switch II (SWII; residues 60 -76 with 66 -74 corresponding to helix 2 (H2)) that populate distinct conformations when the protein is bound to GDP versus GTP. Effectors and GAP proteins recognize specific conformations of the switch regions and bind with preferential affinity to the active GTP-bound state. Activated GTP-bound RAS can interact with multiple effectors (e.g. RAF kinase, RAL exchang...