Here we aim to describe early mutational events across samples from publicly available SARS-CoV-2 sequences from the sequence read archive repository. Up until March 27, 2020, we downloaded 53 illumina datasets, mostly from China, USA (Washington DC) and Australia (Victoria). Of 30 high quality datasets, 27 datasets (90%) contain at least a single founder mutation and most of the variants are missense (over 63%). Five-point mutations with clonal (founder) effect were found in USA sequencing samples. Sequencing samples from USA in GenBank present this signature with 50% allele frequencies among samples. Australian mutation signatures were more diverse than USA samples, but still, clonal events were found in those samples. Mutations in the helicase and orf1a coding regions from SARS-CoV-2 were predominant, among others, suggesting that these proteins are prone to evolve by natural selection. Finally, we firmly urge that primer sets for diagnosis be carefully designed, since rapidly occurring variants would affect the performance of the reverse transcribed quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) based viral testing.