The hypothalamus, which includes the zona incerta, contains a discrete population of catecholaminergic neurons marked by the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). As multiple chemical messengers may coexist in each neuron, we determined if hypothalamic THimmunoreactive (ir) neurons may also express glutamate or GABA. We used Cre/loxP recombination to express enhanced GFP fluorescence in neurons that express the vesicular glutamate (vGLUT2) or GABA transporter (vGAT) and determined TH immunoreactivity in glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons, respectively. EGFP-labeled vGLUT2 neurons were not TH-ir. However, there were discrete TH-ir signals that colocalized with EGFP-positive vGAT neurons, which we validated by in situ hybridization for Vgat mRNA. In order to contextualize the observed pattern of TH+EGFP colocalization in vGAT neurons, we first performed Nissl-based parcellation and plane-of-section analysis, and then mapped the distribution of TH-ir vGAT neurons onto atlas templates from the Allen Reference Atlas of the mouse brain. TH-ir vGAT neurons were distributed throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the hypothalamus and were localized primarily to the periventricular hypothalamic zone, periventricular hypothalamic region, and lateral hypothalamic zone. There was a very strong presence of EGFP fluorescence in TH-ir neurons across all brain regions where it was observed, but the most striking colocalization was found in the zona incerta (ZI), where every TH-ir neuron was EGFP-positive. Neurochemical characterization of these ZI neurons revealed that they display immunoreactivity for dopamine but not dopamine β-hydroxylase. In aggregate, these findings indicate the existence of a novel hypothalamic population that may signal through the release of GABA and/or dopamine.