In 1949, Donald Hebb proposed a mechanism for use-dependent synaptic plasticity, suggesting that input neurons that reliably activate their postsynaptic target will strengthen their connections (Hebb, 1949). Since then, studies of use-dependent plasticity during development have been almost entirely focused on excitatory synapses, particularly those incorporating NMDA receptors (NMDARs). Neural circuits depend heavily on inhibition, however. Although there have been several in vitro studies of possible synaptic mechanisms underlying inhibitory plasticity Alger, 1992, 1994;Komatsu, 1994;Kano, 1995;Zilberter, 2000;Kreitzer and Regehr, 2001;Wilson and Nicoll, 2001;Kilman et al., 2002;Maffei et al., 2006), little is known at the systems level about use-dependent plasticity of inhibitory synapses. The realization that "inhibitory" neurotransmitters often depolarize immature neurons (Ben-Ari, 2002) further complicates the picture. This issue is important because clinical treatments for epilepsy, sensory dysfunction, or brain damage need to be informed by an understanding of both excitatory and inhibitory components of the circuits they are aimed at influencing. This mini-symposium, presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, will address the roles and mechanisms of inhibitory synaptic plasticity during development of the mammalian CNS, using primarily in vivo approaches to examine circuit-level plasticity in a wide array of model systems. The goal of the mini-symposium is to bring this important research area into the spotlight and to encourage other investigators to participate in developing a better understanding of this underappreciated issue.
Inhibitory plasticity in motor systemsThe transient presence of episodic bursts of spontaneous network activity (SNA) is observed throughout the developing CNS. In the spinal cord, SNA is important for axon guidance, motoneuron survival, neurochemical expression, and joint and muscle development . Despite its importance, the role of SNA in the maturation of spinal connectivity is poorly understood. In the laboratory of Peter Wenner, co-chair of the mini-symposium, postdoctoral fellow Carlos Gonzalez-Islas has been investigating the role of SNA in homeostatic plasticity within the embryonic chick spinal cord. Despite significant developmental challenges to the production of SNA, it is clear that the network is capable of maintaining its activity levels (Chub and O'Donovan, 1998). Wenner and Gonzalez-Islas hypothesized that SNA is maintained through compensatory changes in synaptic strength. To test this hypothesis, they reduced network activity with lidocaine for 2 d in ovo. This increased the strength of both glutamatergic synapses and immature, depolarizing GABAergic synapses (Gonzalez-Islas and Wenner, 2006) and accelerated the modulation of GABAergic synaptic strength normally observed between episodes of SNA. Together, these compensatory responses appeared to increase the excitability of the embryonic spinal cord in an attempt to maintain approp...