Olfert, I. Mark, and G. Kim Prisk. Effect of 60°head-down tilt on peripheral gas mixing in the human lung. J Appl Physiol 97: 827-834, 2004. First published April 16, 2004 10.1152/ japplphysiol.01379.2003The phase III slope of sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) in a single-breath washout (SBW) is greater than that of helium (He) under normal gravity (i.e., 1G), thus resulting in a positive SF 6-He slope difference. In microgravity (G), SF6-He slope difference is smaller because of a greater fall in the phase III slope of SF 6 than He. We sought to determine whether increasing thoracic fluid volume using 60°head-down tilt (HDT) in 1G would produce a similar effect to G on phase III slopes of SF 6 and He. Single-breath vital capacity (SBW) and multiple-breath washout (MBW) tests were performed before, during, and 60 min after 1 h of HDT. Compared with baseline (SF 6 1.050 Ϯ 0.182%/l, He 0.670 Ϯ 0.172%/l), the SBW phase III slopes for both SF 6 and He tended to decrease during HDT, reaching nadir at 30 min (SF 6 0.609 Ϯ 0.211%/l, He 0.248 Ϯ 0.138%/l; P ϭ 0.08 and P ϭ 0.06, respectively). In contrast to G, the magnitude of the phase III slope decrease was similar for both SF 6 and He; therefore, no change in SF 6-He slope difference was observed. MBW analysis revealed a decrease in normalized phase III slopes at all time points during HDT, for both SF 6 (P Ͻ 0.01) and He (P Ͻ 0.01). This decrease was due to changes in the acinar, and not the conductive, component of the normalized phase III slope. These findings support the notion that changes in thoracic fluid volume alter ventilation distribution in the lung periphery but also demonstrate that the effect during HDT does not wholly mimic that observed in G.phase III slope; single-breath washout; multiple-breath washout; helium; sulfur hexafluoride NONUNIFORMITY OF PULMONARY ventilation results from inhomogeneities in both convective and diffusive gas transport, sometimes referred to as convective-dependent inhomogeneity (CDI) and diffusion-convection-dependent inhomogeneity (DCDI) (7). CDI effects may be induced by either gravitational mechanisms, such as topographic differences in pulmonary ventilation resulting from regional differences in pleural pressure (2, 27), or nongravitational mechanisms, such as differing mechanical properties (e.g., lung compliance) among regional lung units (7,37). DCDI effects involve a complex interaction between both convection and diffusion and are believed to occur in the branching structure of the lung when convective and diffusive transport mechanisms are similar in magnitude, which in humans is reported to be at or near the level of the entrance of the acinus (32). The effects of DCDI can be thought of as occurring on a small scale, i.e., intraregional, whereas CDI principally occurs between regions of the lung, i.e., interregional. Studies performed in microgravity (G) have shown that a substantial portion (ϳ75%) of ventilatory inhomogeneity (as evidenced by the phase III slope) is due to DCDI effects (20, 38 -40). However, there is...