In this work we continue our efforts to study the existence of a phase with an inhomogeneous, i.e., spatially varying, chiral condensate in QCD. To this end we employ a previously established method of stability analysis of the two-particle irreducible effective action in a truncation that corresponds to a rainbow-ladder approximation of the quark-gluon interaction of QCD. If the analysis is restricted to homogeneous phases, the phase diagram features a first-order chiral transition in the lower-temperature regime. Performing the stability analysis along the lower-chemical-potential border of the corresponding spinodal region, we find that below a certain temperature the homogeneous chirally symmetric solution is unstable against inhomogeneous condensation. We argue that this instability may persist to chemical potentials above the homogeneous first-order phase boundary, in which case it signals the existence of an inhomogeneous ground state. Our methodology is also applicable for more sophisticated truncations of the QCD effective action.
Published by the American Physical Society