In the presence of spatial variation in the magnetization direction, electric current noise causes a fluctuating spin-transfer torque that increases the fluctuations of the ferromagnetic order parameter. By the fluctuationdissipation theorem, the fluctuations at thermal equilibrium are related to the viscous magnetization damping, which in nonuniform ferromagnets acquires a nonlocal tensor structure. At the hand of spin spirals, we demonstrate that the current-induced noise and damping increase with the gradient of the magnetization texture and becomes significant for narrow domain walls. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.140402 PACS number͑s͒: 72.70.ϩm, 72.25.Mk, 75.75.ϩa Three decades ago, Berger 1,2 showed that an electric current passing through a ferromagnetic domain wall exerts a torque on the wall. The spin of the electron that traverses the wall adiabatically adapts to the local exchange field, thereby transferring angular momentum to the magnetization. Subsequently, it was realized that the same effect also exists in magnetic multilayers.3 Sufficiently strong current-induced torques switch the magnetization direction in multilayers or move domain walls in bulk magnets. The early ideas have been confirmed both theoretically and experimentally. 4 Recently, the importance of noise for current-induced magnetization dynamics has drawn attention. Although often noise is undesired, it may in some cases be quite useful. Wetzels et al. 5 showed that current-induced magnetization reversal of spin valves is accelerated by an increased level of current noise. The noisy current exerts a fluctuating torque on the magnetization.6 Ravelosona et al. 7 reported observation of thermally assisted depinning of a narrow domain wall under an applied current. Thermally assisted current-driven domain-wall motion has also been studied theoretically. 8,9 The present paper addresses current-induced magnetization noise in nonuniformly magnetized ferromagnets. The spatial variation in the magnetization direction gives rise to increased magnetization noise; by a fluctuating spin-transfer torque, electric current noise causes fluctuations of the magnetic order parameter. The increased magnetization noise can be represented by introducing fictitious stochastic magnetic fields. By the fluctuation-dissipation theorem ͑FDT͒, the thermal stochastic field is related to the dissipation of energy, and thus the damping of the magnetization dynamics. Since the correlator of the stochastic field in general is inhomogenous and anisotropic, the damping is a nonlocal tensor. Ferromagnetic spin spirals are interesting model systems to study these effects since the field correlator and damping become spatially independent. It is shown that for spirals with relatively short wavelength ͑ϳ20 nm͒, the currentinduced noise and damping is substantial. We consider here disordered metallic ferromagnets in which the scattering mean-free path is smaller than the spatial scale of the ferromagnet. This implies that a spin spiral is a good model for a domain wall with...