We review the construction of the multiparametric quantum group ISO q,r (N ) as a projection from SO q,r (N + 2) and show that it is a bicovariant bimodule over SO q,r (N ). The universal enveloping algebra U q,r (iso(N )), characterized as the Hopf algebra of regular functionals on ISO q,r (N ), is found as a Hopf subalgebra of U q,r (so(N + 2)) and is shown to be a bicovariant bimodule over U q,r (so (N )).An R-matrix formulation of U q,r (iso(N )) is given and we prove the pairing U q,r (iso(N )) ↔ ISO q,r (N ). We analyze the subspaces of U q,r (iso(N )) that define bicovariant differential calculi on ISO q,r (N ). Subj. ind. class. 17B37 81R50 16W30.q-alg/9705023