I would like to thank my advisor and my friend Prof. Dr. Julio R. Meneghini for his guidance, patience and also for believing in my work. I have very much appreciated the encouraging and needed talks we had during the duration of this research. Many thanks also to Dr. Rod Self who gave me the opportunity to work as part of the Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group (FDAG) in the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) in UK. Dr. Rod Self also supervised this research and he was always available and happy to help and facilitate my work. It was an honor to work with you. I would like to thank the many colleagues and officemates that I have had as a graduate student in USP (NDF-Fluid & Dynamics Research Group at Poli) and in Southampton (ISVR). I would specially thanks Dr. Mahdi Azarpeyvand for his help, support and advices on a countless number of technical aspects of this research. Mahdi was a constant source of new ideas and he always explained aeroacoustics in a way that even I understand. Thanks also to my friend Dr. Odenir de Almeida who introduced me to the engine noise problem years ago and convinced me to study aeroacoustics. I would like to thank my parents, Carlos and Luciane, for providing me one of the most important and perineum asset: education. Thanks to my dear brothers, Rodolfo and Bárbara, for all the advices and support during the different phases of our lives. To all my friends that are spread out around the world (Brazil, USA, UK, China, France, etc.) thanks very much. You are definitely part of this accomplishment. I would like to gratefully acknowledge my funding for this research work, which has been provided by CAPES. Finally, thanks to EMBRAER S.A. for providing me the opportunity to conduct this work and FAPESP for the "Aeronave Silenciosa: Uma investigação em aeroacústica" research project.