“…1. The traces are (a) the total input power, P tot , and the stored energy, W dia , (b) I EFCC , (c) the line-integrated electron densities, n e l, measured with an interferometer along two lines of sight, one close to the magnetic axis (upper trace) and the other near the pedestal top (lower trace), (d) the electron temperature, T e , from the ECE diagnostic measured near the center (upper trace) and at the pedestal top (lower trace), (e) the D signal measured at the outer divertor, (f) the fast ion loss current, I loss , measured by Faraday cups [15], and (g) a signal measured by a magnetic pickup coil. The pulse had a toroidal magnetic field of B t 1:84 T and a plasma current of I p 1:6 MA, corresponding to an edge safety factor of q 95 4:0.…”