Albuquerque, NM 87185 --AbstractThe technology for pulsed power basedl high average power accelerators is being developed in the RHEPP (Repetitive High Energy Pulsed Power) project. This technology base uses magnetic pulse compression to generate repetitive, high peak power pulses. The 1 ps pulse compressor accepts 3400 V rms, 120 Hz input power from a 600-kW alternator and delivers unipolar -1 ps rise time, 260 kV pulses to the RHEPF' pulse forming line at a rate of 120 pps. The compressor consiists of 5 stages of pulse compression with a 15 to 260 kV step up transformer between stages 2 and 3. Magnetic switches are used throughout the comprjessor because such switches seem to offer the potential of meeting the lifetime requirements of high average power systems. Thermal and electrical data has been acquired to characterize the compressor during several long duration runs (some over 1 million shots). A description of the compressor and its components along with data and a discussion of the compressors perfomiance are presented.
___-IntroductionStudies showing the beneficial effects cif treating various materials with xrays or particle beams along with changing govemment regulations and increasing public awareness of environmental pollution issues have prompted a growing interest in high average power (HAP) accelerators. Presently, electron and ion beam accelserators operating at average power levels up to a few 100's of kW are used in several conunercial applications. These applications include electron beam welding, semiconductor/surface modification, plastic polymerization, and x-ray lithography. Furthermore a new, larger class of applications requiring higher average power levels (from several 100s of kW to a few M W ) seems to bc cm the horizon. These include flue gas cleanup, medical wastt: treatment, waste water treatment, drinking water treatment, and others[ 1.1. These potential applications will require technology development, but, could represent an opportunity for pulsed power based accelerators to gaiin marketplace acceptance. In each case, however, other technologies (such as DC accelerators, RF accelerators, Cobalt-60 radiation souxces, etc.) will be competing and acceptance will only be gained if pulsed power biased accelerators are demonstrated to have acceptable performance, to be cast effective, and offer significant advantages over more conveintional approaches. the technology for such demonstrations is being developed , in the Repetitive High Energy Pulsed Power (RHEPP) project [2,3].The purpose of the RHEPP project is to develop pulsed power accelerator technology for HAP applications and demonstrate it in a prototype accelerator operating at an output power level of 350 kW. In a high average power application, an acclelerator will be required to operate efficiently and reliably for a long time (5 years or more). Consequently, at the onset of the project, the following, criteria were adopted for use in selecting and designing all of the comporients in the system; 1) Low losses, component eff...