In this note, we show that, if a pseudo-Anosov map φ : S → S admits a finite cover whose action on the first homology has spectral radius greater than 1, then the monodromy of any fibered structure of any finite cover of the mapping torus M φ has the same property.If there exists a finite cover (S,φ) of (S, φ) such that the spectral radius ofφ is greater than 1, we say that (S, φ) has the spectral lifting property.In [Ha], it is shown that, for any infinite order mapping class on a surface with boundary, it can be lifted to a finite cover, such that the lifted action on the first homology has infinite order. This is positive evidence for Question 1.1.Another important object associated to a mapping class φ : S → S is its mapping torus M φ , i.e. M φ = S ×I/(x, 0) ∼ (φ(x), 1). There have been a lot of works on studying mapping classes by using 3-manifold topology. For example, in [McM1] and [McM2], McMullen used 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 57M10, 57M27.