The operating temperature has a critical impact on the electrical performance of solar cells. It has been shown that the temperature coefficient is not uniform across devices and often varies between different regions due to the inhomogeneous distributions of defects. In this study, temperature‐dependent photoluminescence imaging measurements are used to assess the influence of different processes such as gettering, firing and advanced hydrogenation on the temperature‐dependent electrical performance of cast‐mono silicon wafers. It is found that the height of the wafer within the ingot impacts the response of the temperature coefficient to different fabrication processes. Advanced hydrogenation is found to reduce the temperature sensitivity, more than expected solely from the improvement in implied open‐circuit voltage. Crystallographic defects are found to be the least temperature sensitive regions, indicating that their detrimental impact is reduced at higher operating temperatures. The interesting low temperature sensitivity in the defective regions is further investigated using hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging measurements and atom probe tomography. It is suggested that the reduced sensitivity is due to impurities decorating crystallographic defects.