The generation of entanglement is a fundamental resource for quantum technology, and trapped ions are one of the most promising systems for storage and manipulation of quantum information. Here we study the speed/fidelity trade-off for a two-qubit phase gate implemented in 43 Ca + hyperfine trapped-ion qubits. We characterize various error sources contributing to the measured fidelity, allowing us to account for errors due to single-qubit state preparation, rotation and measurement (each at the ∼ 0.1% level), and to identify the leading sources of error in the two-qubit entangling operation. We achieve gate fidelities ranging between 97.1(2)% (for a gate time t g = 3.8µs) and 99.9(1)% (for t g = 100µs), representing respectively the fastest and lowest-error two-qubit gates reported between trapped-ion qubits by nearly an order of magnitude in each case.We perform a two-qubit geometric phase gate in the σ z basis [1], where the qubits are stored in the S states of the ground hyperfine manifold of 43 Ca + . The two-qubit gate operation is implemented by a pair of Raman laser beams at a detuning ∆ from the 4S 1/2 ↔ 4P 1/2 transition. To vary t g we adjust ∆ while holding the Raman beam intensity constant (at 5 mW per beam in a spot size of w = 27 µm); smaller ∆ enables a faster gate, at the cost of increased error due to photon scattering [2]. The Raman difference frequency is δ = ν z + δ g where δ g = 2/t g and the axial trap frequency is ν z = 1.95 MHz. The Raman beams propagate at 45• to the trap z-axis, such that their wave-vector difference is along z. We cool both axial modes of the ions close to the ground state of motion by Raman sideband cooling; the centre-of-mass mode, rather than the stretch mode, is used to implement the gate to avoid coupling to the (uncooled) radial modes of the trap [3].We embed the phase gate within a single-qubit spin-echo sequence [4], which ideally produces the Bell state |ψ + = (|↓↓ + |↑↑ )/ √ 2, and then use a further single-qubit rotation to measure the fidelity F = ψ + |ρ|ψ + of the state ρ obtained [1]. Thus the measured Bell state infidelity includes both errors due to the gate operation itself and errors in the single-qubit operations. We calibrate all single-qubit errors by independent experiments in order to extract the two-qubit gate error. The errors in the single-qubit operations are comparable to or smaller than the gate error over the parameter regime studied.Results are shown in figure 1, where we have normalized for qubit readout errors (17×10 −4 ). The data are in reasonable agreement with our error model for t g < ∼ 200 µs; we attribute the excess error for longer t g to the effect of single-qubit dephasing errors (arising from the influence of magnetic field noise on the field-sensitive qubit states). The lowest gate error is found at t g = 100 µs (using ∆ = −3.0 THz), where the measured Bell state fidelity is F = 0.9975(7). For this run, the single-qubit error contribution is modelled to be 14×10 −4 , and we infer a gate error of g = 11(7) × 10 −4 . This is ...