Abstract.A review to our effort on developing the transform-limited, frequency-agile terahertz-wave parametric generator (TPG) is presented. A frequency-agile THz-wave generation is realized by introducing the injection-seeding method and the optical design for the stationary dispersion-compensation. The purity of the THz-wave frequency was dramatically improved to ∆ν/ν<10 −4. Simultaneously, the THz-wave output was several hundred times higher than that of a conventional TPG. In addition, a wide frequency tuning with fast tuning speed were realized. The THz-wave frequency can be set randomly or scanned continuously over a frequency range from 0.6 THz to 2.4 THz with narrow linewidth of sub 100 MHz. Furthermore, a tabletop, high-performance THz-wave gas spectrometer based on this achromatic injection-seeded TPG was developed. To demonstrate the potential of this system, we performed the measurement of the absorption line due to rotational transitions of the water molecules and determined their pressure-broadening coefficient.