A method is described for isolating cholinergic a motoneurons from the spinal cord of chicken embryos at stage [17][18] (Hamburger and Hamilton numbering), at the time when it has been shown that motoneurons withdraw from the mitotic cycle but neurons of other types and glia are still mitotic. Fragments of the ventral half of the spinal cord are incubated for 24 hr in the presence of 10 ,uM 1-fl-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine in order to eliminate dividing cells and are subsequently dissociated into a suspension of single cells. The following evidence has been obtained and suggests that these cells are neuronal and appear to be a motoneurons: (i) they are resistant to the lethal effect of arabinofuranosylcytosine, and thus are postmitotic at stage 17-18; (ii) when grown in vitro, they exhibit morphological characteristics similar to those of ventral spinal neurons, which include the ability to be stained with silver, Nissl, methylene blue vital stain at pH 6.5-7.0, and choline acetyltransferase histochemistry; (iii) they have high choline acetyltransferase activity; (iv) they are capable of forming functional synapses with muscle.Embryonic chicken spinal cords have been a favored source of neural tissue for culture. Recently, particular interest in them has been stimulated by the evidence that neurons dissociated from this tissue will form synapses with skeletal muscle cells in vitro (1-4). Although this culture system possesses the advantages of accessibility for analysis by microelectrodes, scanning electron microscopy, and other methods related to cell surface studies, it is complicated in that the dissociated spinal cord contains, in addition to a motoneurons, a variety of nerve cell types that do not usually make synaptic contacts with muscle in vivo; such cells may make nonspecific contacts with muscle in vitro and thus interfere with analysis of the properties exhibited by motoneurons in associations with muscle. Further, this culture, over a longer period of time, is overwhelmed by proliferating fibroblastic cells, glial cells, or both.In the present study, an attempt was made to isolate and culture a homogeneous population of a motoneurons from embryonic spinal cords. The procedure is based on the earlier observation that many of the cells destined for the ventral horn withdraw from the mitotic cycle in the developing chicken embryo by stage 17-18 of Hamburger and Hamilton (5), whereas other types of neurons as well as glia display an upward trend of mitosis at this state (6-8). Taking advantages of this difference in the period of mitosis, we were able to prepare the cell suspensions enriched in the former cells. By incubating fragments of ventral spinal cords (VSCs) in a medium containing an inhibitor of DNA synthesis (1-3-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine, Ara-C), dividing cells (non-motoneurons and glia) are eliminated. They are subsequently dispersed into a suspension of single cells for culture.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of Cultures. Spinal cords from chicken embryosat 60-66 hr of incubation ...