In today's times, when the whole world is practising social distancing, the utility of in-person training is going through an existential dilemma. The learning ecosystem needs to rapidly evolve into fulfilling the global needs of learning and retooling to stay relevant and use new opportunities. The existing models of content creation and learning generally assume that a single faculty has to create all modules with topics and lessons both included. This article proposes a conceptual model for applying blockchain in decentralised content creation. Here, education is taken up as a developmental case. While much more content is now available online for learning than ever before, the quality of the content at topic and lesson levels is being observed to have a wide variation in quality resulting in inconsistent delivery of knowledge. The blocks are made of modular knowledge pieces consisting of lessons that can be appended to the initial module/topic creator (s) tightly integrated with a permissioned blockchain with nodes consisting of co-creators, reviewers, approvers and other interested parties.