The quest of the last ten years for high power snubberless semiconductor switches has resulted in IGCTs (Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristors) and IGBTs (InsulatedGate Bipolar Transistors) currently available up to 6 kV. Both devices have inherently short switching times but are nevertheless frequency limited by their switching losses. 10 kV IGCTs have been shown to be useable up to about 5.5 kV DC and 400 Hz [1]. However market needs for PWM (pulse width modulation) at about 1 kHz cannot be satisfied above 3 kV DC, due to the inherent turn-off losses of the aforementioned bipolar components. The fundamental barrier presented by the charge stored in the n-base of IGBTs and IGCTs must be reduced at turn-off without increasing conduction losses. The use of a second, anode-side gate (n-gate) to reduce the high plasma density at turn-off has already been described for conventional snubbered GTOs [2,3] but the technique has not yet been applied to a snubberless device such as the IGCT. This paper will show the turn-off loss reductions which can be obtained by "grafting" a second gate to the conventional IGCT and will compare these results to those of a new type designed specifically for "gateassisted turn-off".