Purpose: analysis of the literature on the influence of socio-psychological factors on the complimentary behavior of patients with schizophrenia. Material: according to the keywords “schizophrenia”, “compliance”, “adherence to treatment”, “awareness of the disease”, “psychological factors”, “social factors”, “psycho-education”, “family therapy”, articles of domestic and foreign authors were selected and studied, devoted to the problem of compliance with schizophrenia patients and published in the last two decades. To compile a literature review, articles in the MedLine/PubMed, eLIBRARY, databases were selected and analyzed, relevant links in the literature lists of the analyzed articles. Discussion: analysis of publications showed that at present, numerous factors have been identified that affect the compliant behavior of schizophrenia patients, among which factors associated with the clinical picture of the disease, cultural and religious characteristics of individuals, medication, the organization of medical care, and many others have been identified. The article most thoroughly discusses the socio-psychological factors of schizophrenia patients’ compliance — the internal picture of the disease, the emotional response of the patient and his relatives to the disease, the therapeutic alliance with specialists of the psychiatric service and a number of other factors. The relationship of the schizophrenia patients’ compliance with their cognitive, emotional and motivational-behavioral spheres of personality was considered. Conclusion: compliance of patients with schizophrenia can improve the combination of drug therapy with psychoeducational work. A psychoeducation program should be available to most of them. Given the influence of relatives on the formation of compliance with schizophrenia patients, it is necessary to include family therapy in treatment and rehabilitation programs of psychiatric institutions.