The article considers the main approaches to the composition, structural elements, features and assessment of the production potential of organizations in the agro-food sector. The application of an integrated approach to assessing the production potential of organizations in the agro-food sector according to the scheme: resources-maximum opportunities-result-evaluation-forecast has been substantiated. Based on these positions, fixed and working capital, labor resources can be combined into the concept of "production potential of organizations in the agro-food sector". If there are sufficient resources, their rational structure, the organization of the agro-food sector has the necessary conditions for production and commercial activities, the achievement of planned goals and development parameters, and the generation of economic benefits. The assessment of the level of the production potential of the agro-food sector is based on the use of the following approaches: dialectical, which allows us to consider the production potential as a complex, multilateral, contradictory phenomenon, taking into account its development and constant movement; systemic, which allows to explore the production potential as an integral complex of interrelated elements, to establish the method, nature of the relationship between them, as well as the internal relationship of categories; synergistic, considering the production potential as a self-developing system, which makes it possible to justify its growth as a result of combining individual elements into a single system, that is, by obtaining a systemic effect.