Objective: A study work plan has been put up for methodical work in the field of solar energy Photogalvanic (PG) cells. It was suggested and required to do experiments with PG cells in sunlight conditions. Improving the conversion of solar energy into electricity and storing it in PG cells is the goal of our study. Method: An H-shaped glass tube with two arms was manufactured using the specially developed PG (Figure 1) cell. Many characteristics of a PG cell with an MG+D-Xylose+Tween-80 system was investigated. Findings: The open circuit voltage, voltage at dark, photopotential (PP), and photocurrent (PC) recorded in this investigation are 1080.00 mV, 165.00 mV, 915.00 mV, and 674.00 µA, respectively. The Fill Factor (FF) and Conversion Efficiency (CE) that were observed 1.891% and 0.2732, respectively. Novelty: Through the adjustment of PG cells' numerous parameters, the effects of solar energy were investigated. Based on the aforementioned results, PG systems have demonstrated through experimentation that they are an effective system and should be further investigated, particularly with regard to improving solar energy output and storage. Keywords: D-Xylose, Tween - 80, Marigold, Photocurrent, Natural dye