This article is devoted to the problem of introduction of artificial intelligence systems into the activity of building participants and other building projects stakeholders. An example of determination of a contractor inner potential by means of fuzzy sets is presented. It is recommended to contracting companies to accumulate information about the components of the competitiveness potential, specifically about: their activity diversification (concentration), resource efficiency (salesvolumetocompanyassetsquotient), pricing policy flexibility (level of discounts at tenders), business reputation level –business assurance level of a company (percentage of works executed and paid under the won tenders in the total value of the won tenders). A model of determination of the influence of the indicated parameters onto the portion of the won tenders in the total value of the submitted tenders, which is based on fuzzy logic, is offered. Creation of an information system, which is presented in the form of a database, which accumulates information during the whole lifecycle of a company, is the following research direction.