TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
AbstractThe initial phase of Venezuela's first large-scale horizontal development drilling program in the Faja del Orinoco will soon be completed. This project is known as the Venezuela Extra Heavy Oil Project (VEHOP) and is operated by Petrozuata, C.A., a strategic association between Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) and Conoco, Inc. The planning process began in 1994 with the evaluation of worldwide heavy oil operations. A test well was drilled which incorporated design changes to improve well productivity and allowed the operator to gain experience in Venezuelan operations.The Petrozuata development program was based on drilling and completing 95 horizontal wells of identical design as efficiently as possible in order to maximize the project economics. To accomplish this goal, a minimum well design was established based on managed risk. Discrete operations were then analyzed to establish breakthrough targets for drilling performance. To ensure targets were met, a well manufacturing process, including fit-for-purpose drilling rigs, contracting strategy, procurement strategy, and detailed operational plans were developed.Performance improved significantly from an initial 19.2 days to 5.4 days per well. The basis of design included 4000 foot lateral sections with actual lengths exceeding 6000 feet measured depth (MD). A capital efficiency improvement of 18% is projected based on current performance. This paper details how shared goals, teamwork, and continuous improvement initiatives between the contractors and operator resulted in world-class drilling performance, record setting horizontal completions, and a new standard for future Venezuelan operations.