Older people with depressive disorders access psychotherapy less frequently than younger ones. GPs play an important role in referring patients, particularly the elderly, to psychotherapeutic treatment. This paper presents the obstacles to and preconditions for referring older, depressed sick people to psychotherapy from the point of view of GPs. Doctors who are training GPs were given a questionnaire on the care of the elderly (60+) with depressive disorders. In 2 open questions, they were requested to state their views on obstacles to and preconditions for referring older, depressed diseased people to psychotherapeutic treatment. Most statements related to obstacles perceived by patients followed by barriers on the part of the supply system. Especially obstructive attitudes and emotions, but also functional limitations on the part of patients were referred to as barriers. With regard to the supply system, structural aspects, such as lack of psychotherapy places, but also the actions of care providers and insufficient cooperation were listed. As preconditions, specific therapy for the elderly were mentioned Dealing with reservations about psychotherapy on the part of older people takes time, which usually is not reimbursed in general practice. Collaborations with psychotherapists are seen as an important precondition for referral. Especially for people with multiple illnesses, access is considered difficult.