The recycling potential is being actualized due to the trends in the production and use of powder and liquid combustible materials from the waste of a mining enterprise in the production cycle of mining, enrichment and processing (polymer packaging and containers of explosives, large tires and rubber products during the operation of mining vehicles, coal powder and coke breeze during enrichment and coking of coal, waste oil products during the operation of vehicles and mechanization equipment). In the material under consideration, a SWOT analysis of the possibility of using the recycling technology of materials in the manufacture of the simplest explosives in the northern and arctic regions of Russia is carried out, including consideration of geological, natural, climatic, economic-geographical, environmental, technological and technical aspects. On the basis of the presented detailing of the indicators of the considered aspects of the SWOT analysis, their role is shown and the value is highlighted when using the technology of recycling materials for the simplest explosives in the development of medium and small deposits. The possibility of obtaining recycled material used for the manufacture of the simplest explosives at mining enterprises from alternative manufacturers is shown.