A 68-year-old Indian woman presented with multiple, asymptomatic skin lesions over the trunk and limbs of four months' duration. There was no history of previous skin lesions or oral or topical treatment. There was hypoesthesia in the distal extremities (glove and stocking area), and the bilateral ulnar and lateral popliteal nerves were thickened and non-tender. Cutaneous examination showed shiny, circumscribed, skin-colored, and/or erythematous nodules, papules, and plaques on the breasts, abdomen, and back, and both arms, legs, and buttocks (Fig. 1). The subject's family members did not have any skin problems. Routine hematology and liver and kidney function tests were normal; blood venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2 were negative. Systemic examination was normal. Slit smear examination from routine sites, including five papulonodular lesions and both ear lobes, was highly positive, with a bacterial index of 6 + (>1000 bacilli per oil immersion field) and a morphological index of 85%. A skin biopsy from a histoid nodule on the back showed a thin epidermis, a clear subepidermal grenz zone, and dermal granulomas of tightly packed, spindle-shaped histiocytes in bundles and whorls with foamy macrophages without the classical pseudo-capsule (Fig. 2). Ziehl-Neelsen staining of a section in this biopsy showed abundant lepra bacilli in the dermis. Equivalent staining of a section from a shiny nodule on the abdomen additionally revealed mild acanthosis with numerous, mostly solid-staining acid-fast bacilli arranged primarily in clumps inside the epidermis at various levels (a) (b) Figure 1 (a) Shiny, skin-colored and erythematous nodules and papules on the breasts and abdomen of a 68-year-old woman. (b) Close-up of the shiny, skin-colored and erythematous nodules and plaques on the abdomen, arising abruptly on normal skin