The impacts of various nitrogen sources, i.e. NO À 3 , NH 4 or NH 4 NO 3 in combination with gaseous NH 3 , on nitrogen-, carbon-and water-use eciency and 13 C discrimination (d 13 C) by plants of the C 3 species Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) and the C 4 species Zea mays L. (maize) were studied. Triticum aestivum and Z. mays were hydroponically grown with 2 mol á m A3 of N supplied as NO À 3 , NH 4 or NH 4 NO 3 for 21 and 18 d, respectively, and thereafter exposed to gaseous NH 3 at 320 lg á m A3 or to ambient air for 7 d. In T. aestivum and Z. mays over a 7-d growth period, nitrogen-use eciency (NUE) values were in¯uenced by N-sources in the decreasing order NH 4 NO 3 -N > NO À 3 -N > NH 4 -N and NO À 3 -N > NH 4 NO 3 -N > NH 4 -N, respectively. Fumigation with NH 3 decreased the NUE values of plants grown with any of the N-forms. During 28-and 7-d growth periods, N-sources aected water-use eciency (WUE) values in the decreasing order of NH 4 -N > NO À 3 -N % NH 4 NO 3 -N in non-fumigated T. aestivum, while fumigation with NH 3 increased the WUE of NO À 3 -grown plants. There were insigni®cant eects of N-sources on WUE values of Z. mays over 25-and 7-d growth periods. Furthermore, d 13 C values in plant tissues (leaves, stubble and roots) were higher (less negative) in NH 4 -grown plants of T. aestivum and Z. mays than in those supplied with NH 4 NO 3 or NO À 3 . Regardless of the N-form supplied to the roots of the plant species, exposure to NH 3 caused more-positive d 13 C values in the plant tissues. These results indicate that the variations in N-source were associated with small but signi®cant variations in d 13 C values in plants of T. aestivum and Z. mays. These dierences in d 13 C values are in the direction expected from dierences in WUE values over long or short growth periods and with dierences in the extent of non-Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, EC carboxylate contribution to net C acquisition, as a function of N-source.