We used a one-dimensional model to simulate the chemical evolution of air masses in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, with a focus on halogen chemistry. The model results were compared to the observations of inorganic halogen species made in this region. The model could largely reproduce the measurements of most chlorine species, especially under unpolluted conditions, but overestimated sea salt chloride, BrCl, and bromine species. Agreement with the measurements could be improved by taking into account the reactivity with aldehydes and the effects of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and Saharan dust on aerosol pH; a hypothetical HOX → X − aqueous-phase reaction could also improve the agreement with measured Cl 2 and HOCl, especially under semipolluted conditions. The results also showed that halogens speciation and concentrations are very sensitive to cloud processing. The model was used to calculate the impact of the observed levels of halogens: Cl atoms accounted for 5.4−11.6% of total methane sinks and halogens (mostly bromine and iodine) accounted for 35−40% of total ozone destruction.
■ INTRODUCTIONThe tropical marine boundary layer (MBL) is a region of particular interest for atmospheric chemistry: high levels of solar radiation, along with high temperatures and relative humidities, result in a highly oxidizing environment. It is estimated that the tropical atmosphere accounts for up to 80% of the global oxidation of methane (the second most important greenhouse gas) and that ∼25% of the global oxidation of methane occurs in the tropical MBL. 1 Halogen species (chlorine, bromine, iodine) are known to play an important role in the chemical processes of the MBL, particularly with regard to the nitrogen and ozone cycles, sulfur chemistry and particle formation: an overview of halogen chemistry and its impact on atmospheric chemical processes can be found in ref 2. Measurements of these species in the tropical region are sparse, but a number of recent studies 3−13 have reported observations of several halogen species in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. These studies suggested that halogen chemistry is responsible for a large fraction (∼30%) of ozone destruction in the Tropics 6 and up to 7% of the global methane destruction. 9 In this paper, we used the one-dimensional chemical model MISTRA to study halogen chemistry in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the evolution of the chemical composition of air masses traveling across the ocean to the islands of Cape Verde, 900 km West of the coast of Africa. We compared the model results to the database of published observations of halogen species from this region with the objective of testing our understanding of halogen chemistry and of quantifying the impact of the observed halogens levels on ozone (O 3 ) and methane (CH 4 ).
■ METHODSModel. MISTRA is a one-dimensional model of the MBL. The model includes a description of meteorological and microphysical processes in the MBL and is described in detail in refs 14 and 15. Version 7.4.1 of MISTRA includes a number of improvement...