The nerve terminal is a specialized region of a neuron, separated from the neuronal soma by an axon that can be exceedingly long, whose function is to release neurotransmitter when stimulated by an electrical signal carried by the axon. In this review, we describe the enzymes, channels, and other proteins presently thought to be important in nerve terminal function. Recent progress in the area has been so dramatic that it is becoming possible to relate simple changes in behavior to modifications of defined proteins in particular nerve terminals.Neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles and are released by fusion of these vesicles to the plasma membrane. Vesicle fusion is triggered by Ca 2+ -influx through specific Ca 2+ channels that open in response to depolarization of the plasma membrane and is terminated by the disappearance of Ca 2+ from the vicinities of the active zones. The voltage signal that opens the Ca 2+ gates is not constant, but also subject to regulation. The key elements are the Na + and K + channels in the nerve terminal. These channels are localized to distinct regions of many neurons and different neurons have different quantities of the different channel types. The voltage sensitive Na + channel is responsible for depolarizing the membrane. This channel has recently been purified and reconstituted in artificial membranes, so many of its properties are known. K + channels are responsible for repolarizing the membrane. Several K + channels have been identified: some activated by voltage, some by intracellular Ca 2+ and others by neurotransmitters. The properties of several of these have recently been shown to be altered by cAMP-dependent protein kinases, resulting in long-term changes in neuronal activity and the efficiency of synaptic transmission. The voltage-dependent Ca 2+ channels can also be modified by cAMP-dependent protein kinases. Many of the neurotransmitters and hormones that modulate the efficiency of transmitter release apparently do so by modifying the Ca 2+ channels. Much of the recent progress in molecular studies on the K + and Ca 2+ channels has been made possible by a dramatic new technique called "patch clamping" that permits individual ion channels to be examined on the tip of a microelectrode. In many ways this technology circumvents the need for biochemical isolation and reconstitution.Maintenance of the Na + and K + concentrations in neurons requires the classical Na, + K + -ATPase that is found in all cell types. Recent experiments suggest that a novel form of this enzyme exists in neural tissues. This pump appears to be localized to anatomically and functionally distinct regions of many neurons. To restore the cytoplasmic Ca 2+ concentrations to original levels, the nerve terminal has an array of Ca 2+ removal systems including a Na + :Ca 2+ antiporter in the plasma membrane, a Ca 2+ porter in the mitochondrial inner membrane and several distinct ATP-dependent Ca 2+ uptake systems in the plasma membrane, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and synaptic vesicles.The...