To study the role of cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) for cardiac contractility, force of contraction (F c ) was studied in electrically driven heart muscle from wild-type (WT) mice and from conventional and conditional cGKI knockout mice. Both 8-Br-cGMP and 8-pCPT-cGMP reduced Fc in cardiac muscle from juvenile WT but not from juvenile cGKI-null mutants. Similarly, the cGMP analogues reduced F c in forskolinstimulated ventricular muscle from WT mice but not from cGKI-null mutants. In contrast, carbachol reduced F c in both groups of animals. 8-Br-cGMP reduced F c also in heart muscle from adult WT mice but not from adult cardiomyocyte-specific cGKI-knockout mice. These results demonstrate that cGKI mediates the negative inotropic effect of cGMP in the myocardium of juvenile and adult mice.A cetylcholine and the muscarinic agonist carbachol (CCh) induce negative inotropy in human and rodent heart. The molecular basis for muscarinic inhibition of cardiac contractility is controversial. 1,2 Activation of NO synthase III leading to an increase of the cGMP level has been reported to contribute to muscarinic inhibition 3-5 as well as the irrelevance of NO, 6 NO synthase III,7,8 and cGMP/cGMPdependent protein kinase I (cGKI) 9 for this signaling pathway. The cGMP receptor potentially mediating the negative inotropic effect has not been identified. It was suggested that cGMP regulates cGMP-stimulated as well as cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterases, thereby modulating cAMP levels and L-type calcium currents. 10,11 This type of modulation would either decrease or increase cardiac contractility. Furthermore, cGKI that is expressed in cardiomyocytes 9,12 has been implicated in the inhibitory effects of cGMP on L-type calcium current 13,14 and contraction. [15][16][17] We have investigated the role of cGMP/cGKI signaling for cardiac contractility using myocardium from conventional and conditional cGKI-knockout mice. This study shows that cGKI mediates negative inotropic effects elicited by cGMP in the absence and presence of forskolin, an activator of the -adrenergic/cAMP pathway but is not involved in inhibition of cardiac contractility by CCh.
Materials and MethodsThe Materials and Methods section is available online in the data supplement at
Results and DiscussionA conventional cGKI-null allele [(Ϫ)] was obtained by replacing the 3Ј region of exon 10 of the cGKI gene (which is essential for kinase activity) with a DNA cassette encoding CreER T recombinase. 18 The CreER T recombinase was not expressed from the cGKI (Ϫ) allele. A conditional cGKI allele (L2) was obtained by flanking exon 10 with loxP sites. Excision of exon 10 from the L2 allele by Cre-mediated recombination of the loxP sites produced an LϪ allele (Figures 1A and 1B). Heterozygous cGKI ϩ/Ϫ , cGKI, cGKI ϩ/LϪ , and cGKI LϪ/L2 mice as well as homozygous cGKI L2/L2 mice expressed cGKI protein and were phenotypically normal. Homozygous cGKI Ϫ/Ϫ and cGKI LϪLϪ mice did not express cGKI protein and were phenotypically indistingu...