“…Information processing approaches to schizophrenia, for example, have attempted to isolate a stage of information processing defect that can account for a broad range of behavioral symptoms (Saccuzzo, 1977). Although information processing studies of schizophrenia have often raised as many questions as they have answered (e.g., Knight & Sims-Knight, 1979), programmatic investigations seem to be gradually narrowing down the number of viable interpretations of the empirical findings (Knight & Sims-Knight, 1980).Psychophysical procedures that evaluate an individual's response to one or more briefly exposed visual stimuli have shown considerable relevance in applications of information processing concepts to psychopathology (Saccuzzo, 1981). Saccuzzo, Hirt, and Spencer (1974), for example, found that the minimum interval between an informational test stimulus (TS) and a noninfor-Requests for reprints should be sent to Dennis P. Saccuzzo, Psychology Clinic,…”